All images are available in editions of 50.
Most of the images were captured on large format film and scanned. Some were captured on 120 film and scanned and very few were digitally captured. The sizes and proportions of the images are based on artistic considerations alone without any thought given to 'conventional' size constraints. All images are primed to current archival standards on Hahnemuhle rag cotton paper and sprayed with a protective coating to increase their longevity, which is well over 100 years. The sizes are rounded off to the closest number - so 15.6 x 20.3 inches is 16 x 20 inches.
Some of the images are very subtle and therefore their full depth is difficult to see on a computer screen. For instance 'Deer Isle Sunrise' is full of intricate spider webs captured in detail and 'Yamaska' captures the hazy outline of the entire mountain against the snowy background and trees. 'Two Houses in a Snowstorm' has a barely perceptible outline of a second roof and to a lesser extent its house outline that is difficult to represent on the web.
Prices will increase without notice as editions (50) sell out. There will be a price increase of approximately 33% for each ten of a limited edition that sells. All prices (Canadian dollars) will be confirmed when you place your order and do not include matting or shipping or appropriate taxes.